Sunday, October 27, 2013

TOW#7: "Save Water, Save Life" (Visual)

Less is More

This here is an advertisement to encourage people to preserve water. In the picture is a fish in a fishbowl, which its water is leaking out. The only bright color present is the fish, which is a glimmering orange. The rest of the advertisement is black and white. A non-profit organization named Venfield sponsors this advertisement. This advertisement was not just an average civilian who decided to raise awareness of saving water. This was an advertisement that a large corporation created to spread their ideas about saving water. Thus, this makes them more credible than a regular person who makes a picture such as this for fun.

Many people who have access to clean, drinkable water everyday do not appreciate it. Most people waste water like how people keep the sink running as they brush their teeth. Water is an absolute necessity for living and most people seem to forget that idea and take water for granted. 

The purpose of this advertisement was to raise awareness of the importance of water. The advertisement is giving a "wake-up call" and saying, "Hey, water is really important! Stop wasting it!" It was also created to show that water can save a life, which is technically true. In the picture there is a small amount of water in the fishbowl for the fish. In people's everyday life, the amount of water in that bowl is nothing. But to that fish, the water gives it life. Without that small amount of water, it will die. 

This advertisement was used to reach out to everyone who has access to lots of water. People who do not have too much access to water most likely cherish every drop of water they can get. Others waste lots of water everyday not realizing how important it is. Those are the type of people that the advertisement is trying to get the attention of. 

The advertisement definitely appeals to pathos. The back round colors are black, but then it gradually lights up towards the fish in the bowl. This makes the fish look sad and hopeless, which makes the audience feel sympathetic for the fish. This would make people think to themselves and probably think, "That is so sad! I didn't know that water had that much of an impact."Also the way the advertisement has only 4 words in the center makes it really effective. It is simple yet provoking. If there was a whole paragraph about how water was important, most likely people would not bother to look at the advertisement. But since this advertisement is so short, it makes it dramatic. It draws people's attention to the picture and simple enough that people might actually look at the advertisement more. 

The author/sponsor accomplished his/her purpose. They used contrasting colors to allow other to focus on the important aspect of the advertisement: the fish. They also used simple yet powerful words to convey their message. They were able to appeal to pathos because the use of the colors and simplistic words, which would make the audience feel bad and guilty for the fish's life, thus making them think about how much water they waste and how they should be more aware about how much water they use in the future.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

TOW#6: "Does Boiling or Baking Vegetables Destroy Their Vitamins?" By Tara Parker-Pope

Vegetables' Nutrients Depends On How They Are Prepared?

This article discusses the nutrients lost or gained depending on how they are prepared. Vegetables are good for people either way, except when they are fried. Nonetheless, it depends on what vitamins people want to acquire. For example, microwaved vegetables actually hold 90% of their vitamin C, while steaming and boiling causes a 22% to 34% loss of vitamin C. This may shock many people because usually people believe that microwaved foods are bad for people. In this case, vegetables are healthier if they are cooked in a microwave!

Pope is an expert of health as it explicitly states in NYTIMES. This means that she is very familiar with nutrition and other health related issues. Not only that, but she also uses statistics and mentions the source, "The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry" to back up her statements. This makes her appeal to logos and ethos; she is an expert with this subject and she uses credible resources to prove her research.

The idea of health has become a big issue throughout America. Thus, more people are beginning to watch what they eat. When most people think of "healthy" food, they think of vegetables. However, many people do not know that the way people prepare vegetables actually effects what nutrients are and are not present. This idea makes this article extremely important and relevant to current issues in life today.

This article was an "Ask Well" article, which means that people ask questions about health that they are not sure about, and then NYTIME health experts respond to them with an article about their question. However, the health experts answer questions that they think is important to discuss for the benefit of everyone. This article was to clear up any misunderstandings towards people who are cautious about what they eat and how they eat it. 

Tara Parker-Pope accomplished her purpose. She wrote about something that was relative to current issues and important to many people. She is also credible, which makes people believe all the things that she says. She is credible by being a NYTIMES writer and the fact that she used credible sources to backup her ideas. Because of all these factors, she was able to accomplish her purpose, which was to inform people about the different nutrient values of vegetables depending on how it is prepared. 


Sunday, October 13, 2013

TOW#5: "Is Music the Key to Success?" By Joanne Lipman

What Do Musical Notes Have To Do With Success?

This opinionated article talks about how music has some relation with success. Lipman states that music teaches one collaboration and the ability to create new ideas. She also discusses how it teaches one to listen and to focus on the present and future all at the same time! She talks about very successful people like Steven Spielberg and how he played the clarinet and he is very successful. Now she mentions that being involved with music doesn't mean that one is going to be the next Bill Gates, but it is very important and could possibly lead one in another successful path.

Lipman isn't a musician so it may be hard to believe her at first. But she uses many examples of people to show the connection between music and success. This also makes her appeal to logos. She quotes Mr. Greenspan to show that an actual professional musician also believes that music has some relation to success. She uses people such as "The television broadcaster Paula Zahn (cello) and the NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd (French horn) attended college on music scholarships..." (Lipman). This gives her credibility in a sense that she gives examples of actual people who are very successful and they were involved with music some time in their lives.

Music has been around for centuries and it still exists today. It has changed and still does change people's lives. Therefore, people are familiar with the subject of music and they can relate to this article because Lipman isn't talking about a subject that no one remembers or knows about. 

Lipman wanted to show the importance of music. She seems to have realized how people are taking music for granted and don't know how truly valuable it is. And to show that, she wrote this article. That's why she was reaching out to everyone. She wants people to appreciate music and to see it in another perspective, which is that music is not just some enjoyable tune but also educational is some ways. 

Although this was an opinionated article, Lipman achieved her purpose. Most importantly, she appealed to logos with helped her support her argument. She used people who were very successful and how those successful people played some type of instrument some time in their life. She explicitly states that it is not a consequence since it isn't just one or two successful people that have a connection with music but it is most of the successful people who have some relation to music.  

 (Anna Parini, credit)- Person is using music to walk towards success.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

TOW #4: "At CGI, a Commitment to Stop the Bloody Slaughter of African Elephants" by Bryan Walsh

35,000 African elephants are killed every year, which is around 96 elephants everyday. They are killed for their tusks, which is made of ivory. The tusks make a large profit around $1000 per pound. Wildlife trafficking is illegal, but since the punishment is not as severe as some, it is a popular way for criminals to make easy money. People in Africa have tried to fight against these horrible people, however, the Africans are not as "equipped" as those hunters are. 

Walsh did not see elephants actually being killed. But he did lots of research on this situation. He quotes multiple sources and gives many statistics to support his argument.

Shockingly enough, wildlife trafficking began long before 2013. It goes back as far as the 1980s. He uses the CGI, Clinton Global Initiative, who made a commitment to fight back the hunters. The worst part is, wildlife trafficking is still occurring. People are still struggling to stop it.

Walsh was appalled by the horrendous things he heard about the elephants. How could a human being kill another life without any emotion? He wanted to show that this is unjustified, and not just the killing.  He was frustrated about how long it took for people to start taking it seriously. If nothing is done about this, then thousands of innocent elephants will continue to suffer every year.

Walsh reached out to anybody who bothered to care. He doesn't care about who knows, but he wants someone to do something about this. He is hoping for everyone to come together and fight against those awful hunters. And he did his part; he published an article for the entire world to see, to see how precious wildlife is dying everyday. 

The usage of statistics, facts, and quotes shows that Walsh appeals to logos. He quotes several people like the CEO Peter Segilmann of Conservation International, "'Poaching has become an enormous problem and one of the most profitable criminal activities there is,'". This shows that Walsh is not making anything up. People are aware of the situation and are planning to do something about it. These types of quotes allow readers to find Walsh credible and go, "Wow, this is really serious". 

There is no doubt that Walsh accomplished his purpose. He not only presented his argument effectively, but also used factual information to support his argument. He seemed to use every effective source he could find. From reading this article, any reader would feel sorrowful yet angry at the cause. When will animal cruelty end?

A pile of Elephant tusks. 
Source: Jean Liou