On February 24th, 2010, an Orca named Tilikum killed its trainer, Dawn. There was no violence intended. It was merely out of play. However, there are some cases where these captivated animals go mentally insane and intentionally hurt people. But why? Places such as Sea World in Disney World and Aquariums around the world mistreat their animals.
How do are these animals obtained? They certainly aren't taken nicely. They are first captured in large nets into boats. Then they are kept in enclosed, dark sections for several days alone. Finally, they are taken to be trained. These animals are forced into do silly tricks for the purpose of amusing the public. These animals are tortured and neglected for the sake of entertainment. How is this justified?
Orcas, for example, are one of many animals that are trained. They are known to be very gregarious. So being trapped in a small enclosed space makes them go crazy. A documentary called "Blackfish" came out in 2010, which depicts what really happens behind the scenes of these "fun" amusement parks. The documentary shows that these Orcas have never attacked people in the wild. Thus, this proves that it is the imprisonments that make them go crazy.
There is definitely an appeal to pathos. People are grown to adore these Orcas because they are beautiful, lively creatures. Seeing documentaries such as these, people would feel guilty for ever going to an aquarium and stand against these places. The documentary brings a lot of sadness, regret, and pity. This could potentially cause people to boycott against these aquariums in order to save these animals. This reaches out to advocates of animal freedom.
Will Sea World ever close down, probably not. However, it is crucial that this truth was revealed to the public because then someone somewhere will be aware of this and possibly try to do something about it. This article was very informative of how manipulative these places are. These places try to make the public believe that these animals are treated with great care, which is a lie. When will animal cruelty end?
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